Strength 15 min to find a 10 rep max Overhead Squat WOD Rx 3 Rounds (Unbroken): 50 Double unders 20 Chin-ups 20 Wall balls Rest 2 min after each round Scaled 3 Rounds (Unbroken) 50 Jump ropes 12 Chin-ups 12 Wall balls Rest 90 seconds after each roundRead More
Strength 12 minutes to work to a Heavy Clean & Jerk followed by; 8 min EMOM of 3 Power Cleans WOD Rx 500m Row 30 Clean and Jerk (95/65#) Rest 3 min 800m Run Scaled 300m row 30 Hang Clean and Jerk (65/35#) Rest 3 min 600m Run Read More
WOD Rx: 5 Rounds, each round must be completed in a different order: 10 Toes-to-bar 10 Kettlebell swings (53/35#) 10 Shoulder to overhead (135/95#) 10 Deadlift (135/95#) 2 min rest between rounds Scaled: 3 Rounds, each round must be completed in a different order: 12 hanging knee raises 12 Kettlebell swings (35/18#) 12 Shoulder to...Read More
Strength 7×2 Back Squat- 75% of 1RM Rest :60 between sets WOD Rx: 1,200m Row 50 Thrusters (95/65#) Complete as many Muscle Ups as possible with remaining time Scaled: 900m row 30 Thrusters (65/35#) Complete as many sets of 1 Chest-to-bar pullups/ 1 dip as possible with remaining timeRead More