STRENGTH Back Squat; 8-8-6-6-4-4 1 Set every 2 min, begin with 65-70% 1RM METCON 10 min AMRAP 10 Burpees over bar 10 Overhead Squat (115/75#) 10 Toes to barRead More
METCON TABATA 1) Medball “Goblet” Squats 2) Medball Sit-ups 3) Medball OH Lunge steps 4) Double unders Score each movement separately. Complete all 8 rounds on one movement before moving to the next. :20 sec work, :10 sec restRead More
SKILL 10 min EMOM, alternating: A) 30 Double unders (or attempts) B) 10 Kb swings METCON “DT” 5 Rounds for time: 12 Deadlifts, 155# / 105# 9 Hang Power Cleans, 155# / 105# 6 Push Jerks, 155# / 105# In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009...Read More