Main – CrossFit Warm-up Dynamic Warm-up (No Measure) Down and back a number of times with various stretches and exercises Pressing (No Measure) 3 sets of 5; press, push press and push jerk with bar only Weightlifting Split Jerk (Work to heavy single) Metcon Metcon (Time) 1000m row 150 double unders 50 box jumps (24/20″)...Read More
See what CrossFit has to say about nutrition. If you aren’t eating right, you aren’t going to reach your potential, or see the full results you otherwise could. Nutrition is key!! See Coach Dabney Poorter and/or Coach Makenzie Fitzgerald for help building a healthy foundation.Read More
Main – CrossFit Warm-up 1: Mobility (No Measure) Pick 3 mobility exercises and spend 8-10 minutes on them 2: Dynamic Warm-up (No Measure) Down and back a number of times with various stretches and exercises Weightlifting CrossFit only Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Work to heavy single) Metcon CrossFit WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)...Read More