Due to inclement weather and dangerous driving conditions, classes and Open festivities will be postponed to Sunday afternoon. The gym will open Sunday at 4:00pm for warm-up and heats will begin at 5:00pm in the same order and frequency as previously designated for Friday night. Saturday morning’s weekly Community Workout will be cancelled as well....Read More
METCON 10 Rounds: :30 sec KB Swing (53/35#) :30 sec Rest :30 sec Burpees to 6″ target Rest :90 sec Record total reps for all 10 rounds (KB swing+Burpees)Read More
METCON TABATA 1) Medball “Goblet” Squats 2) Medball Sit-ups 3) Medball OH Lunge steps 4) Double unders Score each movement separately. Complete all 8 rounds on one movement before moving to the next. :20 sec work, :10 sec restRead More