METCON 10 min AMRAP 3 Deadlift (95/65#) 3 Hang squat clean 3 Push press 100m Run (3 courtyard lengths) Rest 3 min 10 min AMRAP 300m Row 10 Burpees 100m RunRead More
Ever wonder how CrossFit come to be what it is, how it defines “fitness”, and how to increase your fitness and health? Look no further. Here is Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit, on all these points and so much more! Enjoy.Read More
METCON 5 rounds, each for time: 750m Row Rest 3 minutes *Aim to achieve each 750m row in 3:30 or less. If you are taking +3:30, reduce distance to 600m per round SKILL 3 Rounds, for quality: :45 sec side plank each side 10 Dual kb step-ups 8 Good morningsRead More