CFPC – Rowing Class (No Measure) Pause Drill 500 m Row (sprint start + 10 regular strokes) Metcon (Time) 1000m with partner using sprinter start walk 200 m Empty TankRead More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Lift/Squat/Jump (No Measure) A) High knees 2x B) Butt kicks 2x A) Spiderman Lunge B) Broad Jumps Leg swings (10 each direction) Accumulate 40 heavy Russian Swings 20 Sit-ups Weightlifting 6 sets of 3 Deadlift Touch and Go (TnG) Deadlift (6 sets of 3 (1 set/ 2 min) @80-85% TnG) Metcon...Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds NFT of: :20 Static or Rocking Hollow Hold 10 KB SDHP 3-5 Pull-Ups w/ a :02 sec hold at the top (use bands if necessary, and/or complete negatives rather than holds) Metcon Metcon (Time) 21-18-15-12 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups Sumo Deadlift High-pull (115/75#) *14 min CAP*C2B Scale- 1) Pull-ups...Read More