Announcements Our Partner Competition is coming up this Saturday, from 9am-2pm. There will be no Community WOD. Please come cheer and support the CFPC community, come and go as you please, bring lunch etc! There will be lunch provided to competitors around 12:45pm, spectators can also bring $10 to join in on Chipotle catering. Ask...Read More
Announcements In-house competition coming on September 24th! Available to members; current, former and/or potential! The competition will be partner oriented, providing 3 events to each team, as well as additional “tests” for bonus points. All 3 events will be manageable for any skill level, while still providing a challenge to the more seasoned veterans. Sign-up...Read More
Announcements In-house competition coming on September 24th! Available to members; current, former and/or potential! The competition will be partner oriented, providing 3 events to each team, as well as additional “tests” for bonus points. All 3 events will be manageable for any skill level, while still providing a challenge to the more seasoned veterans. Sign-up...Read More
METCON 6-9-12-15-12-9-6 KB swing Wallballs Sit-ups 18 min CAP CORE WORK Perform 3-5 Rounds, not for time: 25 Sit-ups 30 Russian twist 50 Flutter kicks 10 Good mornings 1:00 min Side plankRead More
Announcements In-house competition coming on September 24th! Available to members; current, former and/or potential! The competition will be partner oriented, providing 3 events to each team, as well as additional “tests” for bonus points. All 3 events will be manageable for any skill level, while still providing a challenge to the more seasoned veterans. Sign-up...Read More