CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Down and Back 1a) Spiderman Lunge 1b) Pivot squats 2a) 10 Wide leg inch worm with 1 push-up 2b) Quad pull 3a) High skips 3b) Bear crawl Snatch Warm-up (No Measure) Perform the following, once with a barbell and once with some added weight: 5 Snatch Grip RDL 5 Snatch High...Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Metcon Warm-up (No Measure) Prior to class- Please familiarize yourself with the movement standards and workout description by watching the following video: 2 rounds: 10 Jump squats 10 Kipp swings 15 Hollow rocks 10 Back extension 15 Heavy Russian swings Banded lat stretch, 1:00 min/arm Banded Archer stretch, :45 sec/arm...Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) Just like last week, you will have two options for today’s class. 1) If you are not signed up for the Open, or do not plan to perform it you can complete the workout today or ROMWOD for some recovery stretching, 2) If you plan to complete 17.2...Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Foam roll prior to class: Upper thoracic (remember to cross hands over chest) Quads IT bands (outer thigh) Hamstrings Down and Backs 3.0 (No Measure) 1a) Lunge stretch 1b) 5 inch-worms, 3 push-ups 2a) High knees 2b) Butt kicks 3a) High kick+toe touch 3b) High skips 4a) Pivot squats 4b) HS...Read More