CFPC – CrossFit Pre-orders for 2016 Open Tanks and Shirts are due TODAY! Email [email protected] w/ quantity and sizes or tell a coach at CFPC, thank you! Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 rounds: 200m jog 20 Jumping jacks 10 Pull-ups or Ring rows 15 Push-ups 10 Banded face pulls 10 PVC Pass throughs Gymnastics 1...Read More
#WellnessWednesday We wanted to take a minute to educate you on why we recommend SFH protein if you are going to be using a protein shake, either for pre, or post workout or for a meal replacement. SFH says it best themselves on their website under Transparency: One of the goal at CFPC is to...Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) DOWN and BACK 1) High knees 2) Butt kickers 3a) Lunge stretch- 3 sec hold 3b) 5 Inch worms- 3 pushups 4a) High kick march 4b) Spiderman- lunge and hold 5) Side shuffle (stay low) 6) Karaoke PVC Stretches (No Measure) 10 each: 1) Pass-throughs+toe touch 2) Windmill-...Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Everything Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rounds of 10 reps of: Spiderman Lunge (20 sec/side, 1 time) Overhead Squat with PVC Sit-ups Back-extensions or Supermans Pull-ups or Ring rows Hand Release Push-ups Weightlifting 1 set every 2 min for 20 min: 3 sets- Power clean x2, 65-80% 4 sets- Power clean x1,...Read More
To celebrate the upcoming 2016 CrossFit Open, we have designed and will be placing an order for shirts! Included below is the design we will be ordering, along with a Women’s Tank version with the same color and design. Please contact us at: [email protected] to make a pre-order for $22, or you can get yours at...Read More