CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 17.4 isssss….. 16.4! For those of us who completed this Open event last year, we know what a beating the deadlifts can be. Please take the warm-up seriously and prepare you entire posterior chain properly. 3 Rounds: 1 min Row, 70-80% effort 10 Squat jumps 10 PVC...Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 400m Jog Down and Backs 1a) Lunge stretch 1b) Inch worm (5x w/ 3 Push-ups, keep legs shoulder width) 2a) High knees 2b) Quad pull into Spiderman lunge 3) Banded lateral walk (double loop band and place just above knees, keep tension in the band and walk down...Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 min Row ~70% effort :45 sec Pec/chest stretch on the floor each arm :45 sec thread the needle stretch on the floor each arm 1:00 Childs pose + :30 sec with shoulder variation 1:30 Spiderman lunge/leg Snatch Warm-up (No Measure) Perform the following, once with a barbell...Read More
METCON 4 rounds: 1k Assault bike 20 Box jumps (24/20″) 30 Mountain climbers 40 Double unders/80 Singles Rest 3 minutes Record time for each roundRead More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Options: 1) Today’s WOD 2) ROMWOD Everything Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rounds of 10 reps of: Russian baby-makers (5 per round) Overhead Squat with PVC Sit-ups or GHD Sit-ups Back-extensions or Supermans Pull-ups or Ring rows Hand Release Push-ups_________________ Discuss Double under points of performance 10 Barbell RDLs Prepare deadlift Metcon...Read More
METCON For time: 800m Run 70 Lunge steps 60 Sit-ups 50 Push-ups 400m Run 30 Deadlift (95/65#) 20 Hang power clean 10 Push press 25 min CAP Scale movements and weight as necessary to complete the METCON within the time cap.Read More