METCON 3 rounds, for time: 100 Singles 30 Kettlebell swings (44/26#) 200m Run CORE Not for time: Accumulate 100 Sit-ups Accumulate 100 Weighted Russian twist Accumulate 2:00 of hanging from Pull-up bar with knees at 90 degreesRead More
METCON 12 min AMRAP 10 Ring rows (horizontal, feet on box) 10 Wallballs (20/14#) 10 Ring Push-ups (horizontal, feet on plate) Then; Not for time: Accumulate 50 hollow rocks Accumulate 30 Super-mans Accumulate 3:00 Plank hold, weighted if possibleRead More
METCON 5 rounds: 4 minutes- 20 Wallballs (16/12#) 20 Lunges :30 sec Row Rest remaining time and begin next round @4, 8, 12, and 16 Score= Distance rowed each roundRead More