WOD 18 minute time cap: 1,000m row followed by; 4 rounds of: 10 burpees 10 box jumps 10 pull-ups with remaining time, complete AMRAP of Clean and Jerk (95/55#)Read More
Strength 12 minutes to work to heavy single weighted chin-up WOD 5 rounds for time, varying order: 5 muscle-ups 10 toe-to-bar 10 kettlebell swings (53/35#) 10 shoulder to overhead (115/75#) 200m run/250m row rest 2 minutesRead More
Main – CrossFit Warm-up Dynamic Warm-up (No Measure) Down and back a number of times with various stretches and exercises Metcon A: Metcon (Weight) Heaviest Weighted chin-up (or, lightest band) B: Metcon (Time) 5 rounds for time, varying order: 5 muscle ups 10 toe-to-bar 10 kettlebell swings (53/35#) 10 shoulder to overhead (115/75#) 200m run/250m...Read More