CrossFit 9.30.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Foam roll prior to class! (calves, quads, hamstrings, IT bands etc)

400m Jog


3 Rounds:

5 PVC Pass throughs+ toe touch

10 Banded face-pulls

10 Band pull aparts

10 Push-ups

10 Ring rows


A: Weighted Chest-to-bar (1-1-1-1-1, AHAP, :90 sec btwn sets)

With additional external weight perform a pull-up from fully extended arms, to contact on the pull-up at or below the collar bone.

a) Weighted pull-ups

b) 5x Max Strict Pull-ups, can also be performed with moderate band assistance (goal is 3-6 reps)

c) 5 x 5 challenging ring rows

Weighted Dips (1-1-1-1-1, AHAP, :90 sec btwn sets)

Rx on rings.


a) Weighted stationary dips

b) 5x Max Strict Bar dips, can also be performed with moderate band assistance (goal is 3-6 reps)

c) 5 x 5 Feet supported box dips or 5 x 3 Ring negatives


Down and Backs

1a) Knee hug+Lunge stretch with torso twist

1b) Quad stretch

2a) High skips

2b) High knees

3a) High kicks

3b) Pivot squats

1-Mile Run (Time)

Max Effort 1-Mile Run

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