On 9/16 we will be holding our Community Workout at The Trailhead at 11:00am. Bring your kids! We will also be hosting a CrossFit Kids class as well, also at 11:00am. Everyone is invited! Come show the community what CFPC is all about and enjoy a change of scenery!
CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Down and Backs
1a) Lunge and stretch
1b) High knees
2a) Butt kicks
2b) Spiderman lunge
3a) High kicks
3b) Quad pull
3 rounds:
10 Squat jumps
6 Good mornings (barbell)
10 Hollow rocks
15 Double unders/attempts
Prepare deadlift weight for metcon. Build up to it and perform a couple reps prior to starting.
Metcon (Time)
1 mile Run
5 rounds:
6 Deadlift (275/185#)
24 Sit-ups
48 Double unders