CFPC – CrossFit
No 400m Run
Down and Backs 2.0 (No Measure)
400m Run
1a) Lunge stretch
1b) 5 Inch Worms- 3 push-ups
2) Burpee broad jump (down & back)
3a) Spiderman lunge
3b) Pivot Squats
4a) High kick + Toe touch
4b) High skips
5a) Bear crawl
5b) Crab walk
Front Squat (7 sets of 2, 1 every 2 min @80%+)
A: Pull-ups (L2- record largest set)
L1- (Cannot perform a strict pull-up): 4-6 x 4 Banded pull-ups, then, 3 sets of max dead hang w/ 1:00 rest
L2- (Easy 1 Strict Pull-up): 5 min AMRAP strict pull-ups, then 4 x 1 pull-up negative- 5+ seconds
L3- (5/3 Unbroken strict pull-ups): 3 min Practice of max height kipping pull-up (chest to bar or higher- aim for belly button), then 5 min AMRAP pull-ups of planned sets
L4- (10/7 Strict or 20 kipping pull-ups): 70 Pull-ups for time, then accumulate 2:00 hollow hold
L5- (30/20 UB Butterfly pull-ups): 3 x15-25 Pull-ups with 2:00 min active rest btwn sets (jump rope, HS hold, Airdyne)
B: Ring Dips
L1- (Feet assisted box dips): 4×5-8 bench dips slightly more challenging than Monday, 3×10-20 sec static dip support hold, then accumulate 25 band tricep extensions
L2- (8 dips with feet on bench and 45/25# on thighs): 5×5 self-assisted tricep dips (box behind you), then accumulate 20 push-ups at hardest level
L3- (3-5 Strict bar dips): 5 sets of max reps dips, then 5×1 negative on the rings
L4- (5 strict ring dips): 3 min AMRAP kipping ring dips
L5- (8-10 strict ring dips, 15-20 kipping): 5 min AMRAP ring dips, must muscle up (or transition drill) into starting position at the start of each set