CFPC – CrossFit
Seven Warm-up (No Measure)
2 rounds:
200m row
20 Jumping jacks
5 Pull-ups *or* 8 Ring rows
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Weighted Dips (L4 record)
Weighted Ring dips (L5 record)
Ring dips with additional weight
L1- (Feet assisted box dips): 5 x 5 close grip push-ups slow and controlled, then 3×8-12 Lying barbell tricep extensions
L2- (8 dips with feet on bench and 45/25# on thighs): 5 x 5-8 close grip push-ups slow and controlled, then 4 sets of :10-:20 sec static dip hold
L3- (3-5 Strict bar dips): 4 x 3-5 Strict stationary bar dips, then 2 ME sets of decline push-ups. Rest :90 sec.
L4- (5 strict ring dips): 3×5 Weighted stationary dips, :90 sec between sets, then practice kipping ring dip rechnique
L5- (8-10 strict ring dips, 15-20 kipping): 2×8-12 weighted kipping ring dips, rest :90 sec, then 2:15 min AMRAP elevated diamond push-ups
Metcon (Time)
Deadlift (185/125#)
Scale pull-ups with jumping PU or ring rows at a moderate difficulty