CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 rounds:
10 Ring rows
10 Kipp swing
10 perfect PVC Back squats
:30-45 sec handstand hold
Spiderman Lunge hold, 1 min/leg
Pigeon stretch, 1 min/leg
PVC Front rack stretch, :30 sec/arm
10 Leg swings/direction
4 min to Warm-up back squats
Back Squat (3 sets of 8 @~70%, rest 3 min)
Strength maintenance weight.
Same weight for all 3 sets.
Not necessarily looking for PRs, just maintaining strength over the next 3 weeks of testing.
Scale pull-ups appropriately. Utilize banded pull-ups or ring rows. Aim to achieve each round of pull-ups in 4 or fewer sets.
Lynchpin Test 1 (Time)
400m Run
“Fran” (75/55#)
400m Run
400m Run
24 min CAP
Fran= 21-15-9
**Be thorough when recording your results, scaling used and how you felt (sleep, diet, hydration).