Our 12 Days of Christmas WOD and White Elephant gift exchange will be on Dec 19th! Workout at 5:30pm, gift exchange, food and drink to follow. (Workout for all classes that day will be 12 Days of Christmas, you are welcome to attend the gift exchange only beginning at 6:30pm)
Donation boxes are out! Please bring any winter clothes, new toys, and/or journals to one of our 3 causes this season and bless those who would otherwise be without this Christmas season. Thank you!
CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
400m Jog
20 Banded face-pulls
15 Band pull-aparts
15 Kettlebell shoulder press
15 Ring rows
10 PVC pass throughs
10 Close grip kipp swings
:30 sec Hollow rock hold
:30 sec Superman hold
15 min Practice towards, or continued development of, muscle-ups.
Scaled: Perform 5 x 5 Pull-ups and 5 x 5 Dips, ring or stationary bar. Perform both strict, with as little banded assistance as possible.
Rx: Perform Ring muscle-up kipp practice (kipp + hip drive) and transition drills (heels on box and pull/transition into support position)
Rx+: Perform 5 sets of 1 Bar muscle-up+3 Chest to bar+ 5 Kipping pull-ups, Rest :90 sec between sets
Metcon (Time)
Option A-
Power Snatch (115/75#)
Muscle-ups (ring or bar, specify in comments)
Metcon (Time)
Option B-
Power Snatch (95/65#)
(21 PS, 15 PU, 15 Dips, 15 PS, 12 PU, 12 DIps, 9 PS, 9 PU, 9 Dips)
Scale pull-ups with jumping pull-ups. Scale dips supporting partial bodyweight with feet on floor or with bands and controlled reps