CrossFit 11.5.15


The CrossFit Liftoff event is this Friday @7:15PM! Sign-up at to compete against yourself and friends or come watch and support!

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

400m jog

Down and Backs

Walking lunge

5 inch worms

Duck walk

Reverse duck walk


10 Bird dogs per side

10 Barbell thrusters


Metcon (Time)

7 Rounds:

7 Thrusters (light)

7 Front rack lunges

7 Bar facing burpees

Cool Down

Metcon (No Measure)

3 rounds:

25 Sit-ups, weighted if desired

7 Barbell good mornings

:45 sec side plank hold per side

Followed by foam rolling and stretching

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