CFPC – CrossFit
Down and Backs 3.0 (No Measure)
1a) Lunge stretch
1b) 5 inch-worms, 3 push-ups
2a) High knees
2b) Butt kicks
3a) High kick+toe touch
3b) High skips
4a) Pivot squats
4b) HS walk 25’+ or Bear crawl 50′
5) Lateral jumps, each side
6a) Spiderman lunge
6b) Burpee broad jumps
Discuss and practice Toes to bar kipping motion and mechanics of “linking” multiple reps
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 min AMRAP
25 Cal Row
20 HR Push-ups
15 Toes to bar
Scale HRPU on squat rack by adjusting body angle