Next week (Oct. 31st) we will begin 2 consecutive 6-weeks cycles. The first will be comprised of Olympic lifting technique and development + Raw strength building (think slower but powerful movements). The second cycle will consist of working to build up 1RM in the Olympic lifts (Snatch and Clean and Jerk) and drill/prepare us for the movements commonly found in the CrossFit Open that present challenges to participants (handstand push-ups, double unders, muscle ups etc.)
Reminder: The CrossFit Liftoff begins on Nov. 3rd (next Thursday!) Sign-up now on! We will perform 1RM Snatch and Clean and Jerk for the WOD next Friday and the METCON the following Monday.
CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
400m Jog
3 rounds:
10 Banded face pulls
10 Close grip kipp swings
5 Strict T2B or 5 strict knee raises
5 Squat max jumps
7 Barbell good mornings
EMOM style, complete 4 sets each of:
Even minutes- 3 Snatch Grip RDL, AHAP w/ 41X1 Tempo (begin at the top and lower down as far as possible with flat back, shoulders back and nearly straight legs- soft knees)
Odd minutes- 6 Box jumps, ~80% max height box jump
Snatch grip RDL (Even minutes- 4 x 3 @41X1 tempo)
Max Rebounding Box Jump (Distance)
Max height rebounding box jump
Odd minutes- 6 Box jumps @80% max height
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Toes to bar
18 min CAP
If 400m takes >3 min, reduce to 200m
Scale T2B with kipping knee raises, toes to rig, or medball sit-ups