CFPC – CrossFit
Everything Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds of 10 reps of:
Spiderman Lunge (20 sec/side, 1 time)
Overhead Squat with PVC
Back-extensions or Supermans
Pull-ups or Ring rows
Hand Release Push-ups
Spend 12 min Practicing Muscle-up transitions from low rings.
Use band assistance if necessary.
Athletes may go from transition work to Ring kipp swing practice if coach checks off. Practice a large, fully open kipp and bringing hips to rings.
Metcon (Time)
The Everything WOD
15 squat cleans (moderate)
30 toes-to-bars
30 box jumps (moderate)
15 muscle-ups
30 Dumbbell S2O (moderate)
30 double-unders (60 Singles)
15 thrusters (same as cleans)
30 pull-ups (jumping pull-ups)
30 burpees
300′ walking lunge w/ plate held OH
22 min CAP
SCALE Appropriately.
Muscle-ups- Use ring row+muscle up transitions