CFPC – CrossFit
Down and Backs (No Measure)
200m Run or 250m Row
1) High knees
2) Butt kickers
3a) Lunge stretch- 3 sec hold
3b) 5 Inch worms- 3 pushups
4a) High kick march
4b) Spiderman- lunge and hold
5) Side shuffle (stay low)
6) Karaoke
Begin with toes behind line-
Jump as far as possible, measure heel shortest distance from line.
3 Max attempts.
Broad Jump (3 attempts, rest :90 sec btwn attempts)
Stand and jump as far as possible. Measure landed spot of back heel. Cannot fall forward or back.
Reps=Inches for recording sake
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds:
15 Lunge steps
12 Deadlift
9 Hang power clean
6 Front squats
Completed at 40% FS 1RM
15 min CAP