CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
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—Practice perfect reps on Clean and Jerk, adjust weight accordingly- empty barbell if necessary. Beginners; Hang power clean+Front squat+Push Jerk. Advanced; Squat Clean and Split Jerk.
Back squat- Focus on loading heavy with FULL depth. Keep heels flat, knees out/hips open and chest tall.
Generic Warm-up
2 rounds:
2 min Row
10-15 Push-ups
10 average height box jumps
Grab a barbell and begin with:
5 Hang power clean+
5 Front squat+
5 Hang Squat clean+
5 Shoulder press+
5 Push Press+
5 Split jerk
(4 minutes) Prepare load for EMOM
Complete: 10 min EMOM of Clean and Jerks, 3 reps @70-75%
Rest/Set-up, then;
Perform: 6 sets of 4 Back Squat @75-85%, rest 2 min btwn sets