Orders for new jackets and pull-overs will be placed next Monday (Oct. 30th). If you would like to place an order you have several options for color of either design and will have the opportunity to select a size as well to guarantee yourself that option. Please place orders through the link that was sent to your email, through the post on our Facebook page, or send Reid an email to have the link re-sent to you: [email protected]. Thanks!!!
CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Lateral burpee race
3 rounds:
15 Heavy russian swings
5 Barbell RDLs
5 Front squat
5 Hang squat clean
2 Wallwalks
:30-45 sec handstand hold
Spend 5 min warming up to a moderate weight for weightlifting segment. Progress in weight during 12 min upon completion of a smooth and technically sound hang clean.
Hang Clean (12 min to find a heavy single)
Metcon (Time)
7 rounds:
6 Hang clean (95/65#) *Squat
9 Burpees