CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Everything Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rounds of 10 reps of: Spiderman Lunge (20 sec/side, 1 time) Overhead Squat with PVC Sit-ups Back-extensions or Supermans Pull-ups or Ring rows Hand Release Push-ups Gymnastics (No Measure) Pull-up Progression work 15 minutes to complete: Level 1- 6 min EMOM, 2 5-second negatives Use a...Read More
METCON 21-18-15-12 Wallballs (moderate weight) Burpees 6″ target CORE/COOLDOWN 3 Rounds, for cool down and core work: 2:00 min row, moderate pace 25 Sit-ups, weighted if desired 25 Russian twists, w/ medballRead More
Announcements MomFit and ROMWOD classes begin on (10/1) Check the schedule in Wodify for times. Barbells for Boobs fundraiser this weekend @ CrossFit Impressions! Come support or sign-up and complete “Grace” with us! (scaled or Rx heats available) CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 500m Row 12-20 Push-ups (adjust angle) 10 Pull-ups or ring rows...Read More
Announcements MomFit and ROMWOD classes begin on (10/1) Check the schedule in Wodify for times. Ask a coach how to sign-up for a ROMWOD membership to help range of motion and recovery! CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 20/17 Calorie Row 15 Burpees 1:00 Jump rope 10 Wall therapy squats ——————- Banded shoulder mobility- Forward,...Read More
Announcements MomFit and ROMWOD classes begin on (10/1) Check the schedule in Wodify for times. Ask a coach how to sign-up for a ROMWOD membership to help range of motion and recovery! CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) A) High knees 2x B) Butt kicks 2x A) Spiderman Lunge B) Broad Jumps Leg swings...Read More
Announcements MomFit and ROMWOD classes begin on (10/1) Check the schedule in Wodify for times. Ask a coach how to sign-up for a ROMWOD membership to help range of motion and recovery! CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rounds of 10 reps of: Spiderman Lunge (20 sec/side, 1 time) PVC Push press Sit-ups...Read More