
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Everything Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rounds of 10 reps of: Spiderman Lunge (20 sec/side, 1 time) Overhead Squat with PVC Sit-ups Back-extensions or Supermans Pull-ups or Ring rows Hand Release Push-ups Gymnastics Gymnastics Cycle (Pull-ups and dips) Week 2! A: Pull-ups (L1-L4 record largest set and scale) L1- (Cannot perform a...
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CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Everything Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rounds of 10 reps of: Spiderman Lunge (20 sec/side, 1 time) Overhead Squat with PVC Sit-ups Back-extensions or Supermans Pull-ups or Ring rows Hand Release Push-ups Gymnastics Pull-ups (L2- record largest set) L1- (Cannot perform a strict pull-up): 4-6 x 4 Banded pull-ups, then, 3 sets...
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CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Lift/Squat/Jump (No Measure) A) High knees 2x B) Butt kicks 2x A) Spiderman Lunge B) Broad Jumps Leg swings (10 each direction) Accumulate 40 heavy Russian Swings 20 Sit-ups10 Barbell press and back :30-45 sec HS hold 10 Barbell front squat Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 7 min AMRAP...
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CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Squat/Core/Leg (No Measure) 2 rounds: 30 high-knees 15 air squats 20 jumping jacks 10 push-ups 200m rowThen 3 min squat hold Weightlifting Tempo Back Squat (7 sets of 3, AHAP. 1 set every 2 min.) Back squat with a 5 second descent and 3 second pause in the bottom. Gymnastics A:...
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CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Down and Backs 2.0 (No Measure) 400m Run DOWN and BACK 1a) Lunge stretch 1b) 5 Inch Worms- 3 push-ups 2) Burpee broad jump (down & back) 3a) Spiderman lunge 3b) Pivot Squats 4a) High kick + Toe touch 4b) High skips 5a) Bear crawl 5b) Crab walk:60 sec/leg Calf stretch...
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CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Everything Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rounds of 10 reps of: Spiderman Lunge (20 sec/side, 1 time) Overhead Squat with PVC Sit-ups Back-extensions or Supermans Pull-ups or Ring rows Hand Release Push-ups Gymnastics Beginning our Gymnastics Cycle (Pull-ups and dips) to develop strength and progression, follow a Level of ability for each...
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Announcements CrossFit Games is this weekend! We will host a watch party at CFPC on Sunday the 24th at 5:30pm. You are welcome to bring your own snacks/drinks to share. We will be beginning a 6-weeks Gymnastics cycle next week, MWF of our regular CrossFit classes working to develop pull-ups and dips, progressing to muscle-ups...
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Announcements CrossFit Games is this weekend! We will host a watch party at CFPC on Sunday the 24th at 5:30pm. You are welcome to bring your own snacks/drinks to share. We will be beginning a 6-weeks Gymnastics cycle next week, MWF of our regular CrossFit classes working to develop pull-ups and dips, progressing to muscle-ups...
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Announcements CrossFit Games is this weekend! We will host a watch party at CFPC on Sunday the 24th at 5:30pm. You are welcome to bring your own snacks/drinks to share. We will be beginning a 6-weeks Gymnastics cycle next week, MWF of our regular CrossFit classes working to develop pull-ups and dips, progressing to muscle-ups...
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Announcements CrossFit Games is this weekend! We will host a watch party at CFPC on Sunday the 24th at 5:30pm. You are welcome to bring your own snacks/drinks to share. We will be beginning a 6-weeks Gymnastics cycle next week, MWF of our regular CrossFit classes working to develop pull-ups and dips, progressing to muscle-ups...
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