On 9/16 we will be holding our Community Workout at The Trailhead at 11:00am. Bring your kids! We will also be hosting a CrossFit Kids class as well, also at 11:00am. Everyone is invited! Come show the community what CFPC is all about and enjoy a change of scenery!
CFPC – CrossFit
Seven Warm-up (No Measure)
2 rounds:
200m row
20 Jumping jacks
5 Pull-ups *or* 8 Ring rows
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Coach- demo and discuss SDHP bar path and execution.
Modify Strict pull-ups with feet on box or to ring rows.
Warm-up movements for WOD.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
TABATA, 6 rounds:
1) Strict Pull-ups
2) Sumo deadlift high-pull (75/55#)
3) HR Push-ups
4) Double unders
Rest 1 min
Work :20 sec, Rest/transition :10 sec. Switch exercises every rest break and complete 6 rounds of all 4 exercises. Record total reps completed.