CrossFit 2.11.17


If you pre-ordered a long sleeve shirt or jacket, please pick them up from a coach prior to Feb. 17th!

Blue Zones project will be joining us this Saturday, the 11th, immediately following the Community workout for a cooking demonstration and official induction of CrossFit Panther City into the Blue Zones initiative. In order to align ourselves with this project to promote healthy lifestyles in Fort Worth, we need pledges from YOU to embrace the Blue Zones lifestyle. Look for more details in an email from CFPC Staff and RSVP to the event via Facebook. Thank you!

CFPC – CrossFit


Down and Backs 3.0 (No Measure)

1a) Lunge stretch

1b) 5 inch-worms, 3 push-ups

2a) High knees

2b) Butt kicks

3a) High kick+toe touch

3b) High skips

4a) Pivot squats

4b) HS walk 25’+ or Bear crawl 50′

5) Lateral jumps, each side

6a) Spiderman lunge

6b) Burpee broad jumps


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

16 min AMRAP

21 KB Deadlift

18 Box jumps

15 Hand release push-ups

200m Run

Partner 1 works through the 21-18-15 movements while Partner 2 runs, when Partner 2 returns, they will pick up where Partner 1 left off and Partner 1 will run

Score is completed rounds and reps of KB DL, BJ and HR PU

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