CrossFit 2.13.17


IMPORTANT: If you want to participate in the CrossFit Open under CrossFit Panther City (i.e. want the ability to input scores!) please log on to your profile and choose to join Team CrossFit Panther City for the 2017 Open.

If you have not yet registered, there is still time! Sign-up at: today!

Open T-shirts will be ordered Tuesday, Feb. 14th. This is your last chance to save 10% and reserve your size!

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

10 min to perform all 3 in any order:

a) 3 min Row, easy-moderate

b) :90 sec/leg banded Lunge stretch

c) 10 Barbell RDLs (shoulders back!), 30 Heavy Russian swings, 3 Jefferson curls


10 Leg swings each direction

10 Cat/Cows

10 Bird dogs w/ 2 sec hold

4 min: Warm-up deadlift for Strength component

Deadlift Set-up:


Deadlift (4 sets of 8 @65-75%, 1 set every 3 min)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 min AMRAP

10 DB Burpee Deadlift (55/35#)

30 Double unders

15 Ring dips

*Set back flat and chest tall before picking dumbbells up from the floor!

Scale DU 2/1 singles.

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