Final week of Gymnastics cycle! (6 of 6) We will test again for strict pull-ups, kipping pull-ups and for levels 4/5 ring muscle-ups on Friday or you can come in to re-test Saturday during open gym (10:30-12)
Reid is back and excited to see everyone! =D
CFPC – CrossFit
Everything Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds of 10 reps of:
Spiderman Lunge (20 sec/side, 1 time)
Overhead Squat with PVC
Back-extensions or Supermans
Pull-ups or Ring rows
Hand Release Push-ups
Ring Dips
L1- (Feet assisted box dips): Complete 3 x 8-12 Box dips w/ :90 sec rest, then 3 x 8-12 Push-ups at hardest possible difficulty
L2- (8 dips with feet on bench and 45/25# on thighs): 12-15 box dips w/ feet on bench, rest 2 min, 9-12 reps, 2 min rest, 5-8 reps
L3- (3-5 Strict bar dips): 5 x 1-3 Strict ring dips as low as possible, then 3:00 min AMRAP kipping bar dips
L4- (5 strict ring dips): 3 x 5-8 weighted strict ring dips, then 2 sets of ME kipping ring dips- 2 min btwn sets
L5- (8-10 strict ring dips): find your 10 rep max ring dip (+from last time), then 3 sets of ME kipping ring dips
Spend 5-10 min warming up for metcon (calf/hamstring stretches and light reps of G2O)
Metcon (Time)
Ground to overhead
400m Run to finish each round
Rx+=115/75# and Chest to bar