CrossFit 6.14.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Metcon (No Measure)

Row 2 min 60-70% effort

Rest :30 sec

Row 1:30 70-80% effort

Rest 1 min

Row 1 min 85%+

2 rounds:

12 Ring rows

15 Wallballs

18 Box step-ups


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

40 min AMRAP, rest 1:1 each round completed:

50′ Sled push down and back

20 Pull-ups

200m Run

Workout can be performed solo or with a partner trading off rounds.

Sled weight is designed to be moderate- difficult but a “sprint” for the 100′ (for example, load your bodyweght on the sled)

RX+= Chest to bar pull-ups and 1 1/2 body weight loaded on sled

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