CrossFit 8.28.15

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

PVC Merry-go-round

Hold PVC in front of you and form a circle facing one-another. When the coach calls a direction, leave your pipe behind and switch to the next pipe in the direction called, catching it before it hits the floor (with one hand). If the pipe hits the floor, you are out and must complete the given exercise/reps before joining next game.

Final 2 athletes win.

Losers must complete 3 Burpees -or- wallballs per person still in the game when they were disqualified.

Play 3 rounds in entirety.


(No Measure)

15 min to complete work at your skill level:

Level 1- “Unable to perform 1 unassisted Pull-up”

A) 4 min EMOM: 4-6 Banded, strict Pull-ups. Reduce assistance if 6 reps completed.

B) 3 sets of max time active hang from bar with 1:00 min rest. Aim to beat last weeks times.

Level 2- “1 Strict Pull-up on command”

A) 6×3 Pull-up negatives w/ 5 sec descent each rep. Rest 2 min btwn sets.

B) 3×10-12 Barbell Curls

Level 3- “5 strict Pull-ups on command”

A) 4×3 weighted, strict Pull-ups

Rest 2:30 between sets

B) Spend remaining time practicing Butterfly kipping

Level 4- “8 Strict Pull-ups/15-20 Kipping”

A) 4×3 weighted, strict C2B pull-ups

Rest 2:30 between sets

B) Spend remaining time practicing Butterfly kipping

L3: Weighted Pull-ups (Level 3- Record heaviest set)

L4: Weighted Chest-to-bar (Level 4- Record heaviest set)


Lumberjack 20 (Time)

20 Deadlifts, 275#

Run 400m

20 Kettlebell swings, 70#

Run 400m

20 Overhead Squats, 115#

Run 400m

20 Burpees

Run 400m

20 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

Run 400m

20 Box Jumps, 24″

Run 400m

20 Dumbbell Squat Cleans, 45#

Run 400m
On Nov. 5 2009, a terrorist attacked fellow soldiers and civilians at Fort Hood, TX. Killing 12 soldiers and one civilian and wounded 43 others.
To learn more about Lumberjack 20 click here
Women’s RX weights:

185# Deadlift

53# KB swing

75# Overhead squat

24″ box jumps

75# Squat cleans

Scale weight appropriately, Chest-to-bar->regular or banded pull-ups and perform squat cleans with (105/75# barbell)

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