
July 11, 2016
Announcements CrossFit Games is in 11 days! Look for a watch party announcement. We will be beginning a 6-weeks Gymnastics cycle the following week, MWF of our regular CrossFit classes working to develop pull-ups and dips, progressing to muscle-ups for the advanced athletes! Please check your inbox for an Evite to our Social at Rodeo...
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Hey Panthers! We would like to offer help towards the fundraiser for families involved in the Dallas tragedy, we are accepting donations but we would like to add: From now (July 11th) until July 18th, we will donate 25% of all product sales- Rx bars, SFH, and Tribal Juices– to these families. Please let your family...
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METCON “Fight Gone Bad” 3 Rounds: Three rounds of: Wall-balls (20/14#, 10’/9′) Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55# Box Jump, 20″ box Push-press, 75/55# Row (Calories) Work for 1 minute each station for max reps, transitions cut into your time each minute.
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