We wanted to take a minute to educate you on why we recommend SFH protein if you are going to be using a protein shake, either for pre, or post workout or for a meal replacement. SFH says it best themselves on their website under Transparency: http://www.sfh. com/education/transparency. One of the goal at CFPC is to help you become more fit. We also strive to provide education and products we believe will also help you get and stay healthy.
Our in-house nutritionist, Dabney Poorter (founder of Engage Your Wellness), does encourage you to eat real, healthy food the majority of the time. She also teaches the importance of not skipping breakfast and pre-workout snacks for metabolism, conserving muscle, building muscle, and energy. SFH is a clean protein made by a company that is dedicated to full transparency of their products. Watch for a post on Friday for recipes to use SFH as a breakfast supplement, pre or post workout snacks. Remember real, healthy food the majority of the time! Using SFH or any other protein supplement more then once per day is not encouraged.