MomFit 12.14.17

CFPC – MomFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds:

20 Jumping jacks

15 Air squats

10 Sit-ups

3 minutes to Practice double-unders

10 PVC pass through + toe touches

1 min/arm Banded lat stretch (face down, arm extended with band on wrist)

Practice and discuss the kipp for toe-to-bar


Metcon (Time)

For time:

80 Double unders

20 Toe to bar

20 Burpees

60 Double unders

15 Toe to bar

15 Burpees

40 Double unders

10 Toe to bar

10 Burpees

20 Double unders

5 Toe to bar

5 Burpees

Modify Double unders w/ 2x Single unders

Toe to bar scaling- perform either kipping knee raises (90ยบ) or Toe to rig