CrossFit 9.7.16


In-house competition coming on September 24th! Available to members; current, former and/or potential! The competition will be partner oriented, providing 3 events to each team, as well as additional “tests” for bonus points. All 3 events will be manageable for any skill level, while still providing a challenge to the more seasoned veterans. Sign-up now! Early registration is $40/team, available until 9/17, at which time registration will increase to $50. Contact [email protected] with questions or sign-up info.

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1:30 row @70%

:30 sec @85%

1:00 @70%

:30 sec @90%


:90 sec couch stretch/side

:90 sec Pigeon/side

:90 sec Goblet squat hold


Back Squat (4 sets of 7, 70-75% Rest 2 min)


Metcon (Time)

100 Russian swings

50 Sit-ups

25 Box jump overs

50 Push press (light)

100 Double unders

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