Our Partner Competition is coming up this Saturday, from 9am-2pm. There will be no Community WOD. Please come cheer and support the CFPC community, come and go as you please, bring lunch etc! There will be lunch provided to competitors around 12:45pm, spectators can also bring $10 to join in on Chipotle catering. Ask a coach or email Reid with any questions at: [email protected]
CFPC – CrossFit
Squat/Core/Leg (No Measure)
2 rounds:
30 high-knees
15 air squats
20 jumping jacks
10 push-ups
200m row
3-Position Clean (1 Set every :90 sec for 12 min)
Perform 1 rep of each; high hang, mid-thigh, and then from the floor
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 min AMRAP:
2 rope climb
6 Man makers (45/25#)
12 Ring dips
Scale dips to stationary bars or regular push-ups