CFPC – CrossFit
2 rounds-
10 Ring rows
10 PVC Pass throughs
(No Measure)
Level 1- “Unable to perform 1 unassisted Pull-up”
A) 5×3 5-sec Pull-up negatives- jump or step off a box with chin over bar and lower down to full hang as slowly as possible. If you need to, use a band to slow your descent.
B) 3x 8-12 Barbell curls
Level 2- “1 Strict Pull-up on command”
A) 4 min AMRAP: Strict Pull-ups
B) 3 sets; 1 Pull-up (strict) w/ 5 sec negative (banded if necessary to achieve 5 sec descent)
Level 3- “5 strict Pull-ups on command”
A) 3 sets of max kipping or butterfly pull-ups, rest 3:00 min between sets
B) Accumulate 30 Hollow Rocks
Level 4- “8 Strict Pull-ups/15-20 Kipping”
A) 4 sets of 5 weighted, strict pull-ups. Rest 2:00 min between sets
B) Accumulate 30 Hollow Rocks
L2: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Level 2- Record total reps
L3: Pull-ups (Level 3- Record largest set)
L4: Weighted Pull-ups (Level 4- Record Heaviest set)
(No Measure)
2 Rounds:
5 SLOW Wall therapy OHS w/ PVC
50′ Waiters walk w/ Plate, each arm
5 Leg swings per leg each direction
15 Hollow rocks
Metcon (Time)
21 Overhead squats (135/95#)
9 Bar muscle-ups
15 Overhead squats
7 Bar muscle-ups
9 Overhead squats
5 Bar muscle-ups
*Scale muscle-ups:
x2 Chest to bar pull-ups
or normal pull-ups if band assisted