CrossFit 9.15.17


On 9/16 we will be holding our Community Workout at The Trailhead at 11:00am. Bring your kids! We will also be hosting a CrossFit Kids class as well, also at 11:00am. Everyone is invited! Come show the community what CFPC is all about and enjoy a change of scenery!

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds:

200m Run

10 Bird dogs

10 Hollow rocks

10 Supermans

10 Squat jumps

10 Ring rows


3 sets, resting :90 sec between movements:

8 Single leg RDLs (KB) per leg

—-Slow, opposite leg should reach straight behind you

10-12 Single arm DB shoulder press per arm

—-Standing, slower the better

Single arm RDL

Begin with weight in one hand and standing tall. Slowly lower weight as low as possible while maintaining a tight midline, and extending the same leg behind you.

Single Arm Dumbell Press


Metcon (Time)



Box jumps (24/20″)

Toes to bar

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