CFPC – CrossFit
Everything Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds of 10 reps of:
Spiderman Lunge (20 sec/side, 1 time)
Overhead Squat with PVC
Back-extensions or Supermans
Pull-ups or Ring rows
Hand Release Push-ups
(No Measure)
15 min to complete work at your skill level:
Level 1- “Unable to perform 1 unassisted Pull-up”
A) 5×5 self-assisted pull-ups <--stand on box high enough to reach chin over bar, then, start in a standing hang (squat) and pull yourself with assistance from your legs to chin over bar then slowly lower back down. (1 sec up, 3 sec down)
B) 3x 8-12 Barbell curls
Level 2- “1 Strict Pull-up on command”
A) 4 min AMRAP: Strict Pull-ups
B) 3 sets; 1 Pull-up (strict) w/ 5 sec negative
Level 3- “5 strict Pull-ups on command”
A) 3 sets of max kipping or butterfly pull-ups, rest 3:00 min between sets
Level 4- “8 Strict Pull-ups/15-20 Kipping”
A) 3 sets of 5 weighted, strict pull-ups. Rest 3:00 min between sets
2: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Level 2-
Reps in 4 min AMRAP
3: Pull-ups (Level 3: Record all 3 sets of Pull-ups)
4: Weighted Pull-ups (Level 4: Record heaviest set)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
25 min AMRAP
400m Run
20 Slam balls (50/30#)
100′ Reverse Sled drag (185/115#)
100′ = 1 Gym down and back, or 50′ and back in outside area.
Share sleds if necessary.
Use carpet sleds- Face the sled and drag backwards with arms extended and shoulders active