CFPC – CrossFit
Squat/Core/Leg (No Measure)
2 rounds:
30 high-knees
15 air squats
20 jumping jacks
10 push-ups
200m row
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
“Death by” Thrusters:
Begin with 5 reps, +1 rep every minute until failure to complete reps within the minute.
Rx= 50% Front squat 1RM
Gymnastics Cycle (Pull-ups and dips) Week 5, keep working hard!
A: Pull-ups (L1-L4 record largest set and scale)
L1- (Cannot perform a strict pull-up): Complete 3 x 8-12 Banded pull-ups, :90 sec rest, then accumulate 25 Ring Rows, then accumulate 30 banded face-pulls
L2- (Easy 1 Strict Pull-up): 3 min Kipp practice, then 7 min EMOM of max reps strict pull-ups, accumulate 20 hollow rocks
L3- (5/3 Unbroken strict pull-ups): 7 min EMOM 3-7 Strict Pull-ups, then 28 Kipping pull-ups AFAP
L4- (10/7 Strict or 20 kipping pull-ups): 5 min EMOM of :20 sec kipping pull-ups, accumulate 30 Hollow rocks and 30 Supermans
L5- (30/20 UB Butterfly pull-ups): build to a 5RM weighted pull-up max
B: Ring Dips (L3-L5 record largest set completed)
L1- (Feet assisted box dips): Complete 3 x 8-12 Box dips w/ :90 sec rest, then 3 x 8-12 Push-ups at hardest possible difficulty
L2- (8 dips with feet on bench and 45/25# on thighs): 12-15 box dips w/ feet on bench, rest 2 min, 9-12 reps, 2 min rest, 5-8 reps
L3- (3-5 Strict bar dips): 5 x 1-3 Strict ring dips as low as possible, then 3:00 min AMRAP kipping bar dips
L4- (5 strict ring dips): 3 x 5-8 weighted strict ring dips, then 2 sets of ME kipping ring dips- 2 min btwn sets
L5- (8-10 strict ring dips): find your 10 rep max ring dip (+from last time), then 3 sets of ME kipping ring dips
L4-5: Weighted Ring dips
Ring dips with additional weight