WOD and Wine Friday evening at 7:30PM! Join us for a fun workout, pizza and BYOW or BYOB. Sign-up with number attending at the front desk!
CFPC – CrossFit
PVC Stretches (No Measure)
10 each:
1) Pass-throughs+toe touch
2) Windmill- right and left
3) Torso twist
4) Snatch grip push press
5) Overhead squat
(No Measure)
15 min to complete work at your skill level:
Level 1- “Unable to perform 1 unassisted Pull-up”
A) 4 min EMOM: 4-6 Banded, strict Pull-ups. Reduce assistance if 6 reps completed.
B) 3 sets of max time dead hang from bar with 1:00 min rest
Level 2- “1 Strict Pull-up on command”
A) TABATA Kipping Pull-ups
B) 3×10-12 Barbell Curls
Level 3- “5 strict Pull-ups on command”
A) 4×3 weighted, strict Pull-ups
Rest 2:30 between sets
B) Spend remaining time practicing Butterfly kipping
Level 4- “8 Strict Pull-ups/15-20 Kipping”
A) 6 Rounds of TABATA (:20 on/:10 off) Strict pull-ups
B) 5 min Butterfly Pull-up practice
(No Measure)
Down and Back
1) High knees
2) Butt kicks
3a) High skips
3b) Side lunge stretch, face opposite wall at halfway point
4&5) Partner Banded sprints- 30 steps
(forward lean, knee drive)
Partner 1 down, partner 2 back… x2
Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes (5 sets):
400m Run, Max effort
*record fastest and last 400m run
400m Run (Time)
Max Effort 400m Run
400m Run (Time)
Max Effort 400m Run