CrossFit 8.11.15


WOD and Wine Friday evening at 7:30PM! Join us for a fun workout, pizza and BYOW or BYOB. Sign-up with number attending at the front desk!

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

2 rounds:

10 Squat jumps

15 Heavy russian swings

10 Kb SDHP

10 PVC Pass throughs


with an empty barbell, perform:

2 rounds:

5 Dip and Finish w/ clean grip

5 Finish+Elbows from mid thigh

5 Power Clean from below the knee

5 Front squats


Build in weight across 7 sets as form allows. 1 set every :90 seconds for 9 minutes.

Power clean (from floor)+

Hang Squat clean (from mid thigh)

Must complete both lifts to advance.

A1: Power Clean

A2: Hang Clean


Metcon (Weight)

EMOM Perform 1 Back Squat

Rx begin @(185/125#) and +(20/10#)

each minute until you can no longer continue.

Record final weight completed.

Scale- reduce beginning weight to no higher than 50% 1RM and make smaller increases each minute, but remain consistent.

Back Squat (Record heaviest squat.)

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