CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
5 rounds:
:30 sec row @75%
12-15 push-ups
Chest stretch, :90 sec per arm
Couch stretch, :90 sec per leg
pvc pass through+toe touch x10
10 Russian baby makers
Pigeon, :90 sec per side
Accumulate 50 heavy Russian swings and 50 sit-ups
Metcon (2 Rounds for weight)
Every :90 sec for 30 min (10 rounds), perform:
A) 7 Deadlift @60-70%
B) 7 Bench Press @60-70%
Record lightest weight used for each of the movements. Ideally weight remains the same throughout- slightly challenging to begin and difficult to finish in last couple rounds.