CFPC – CrossFit
PVC Stretches (No Measure)
10 each:
1) Pass-throughs+toe touch
2) Windmill- right and left
3) Torso twist
4) Snatch grip push press
5) Overhead squat
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
10 Narrow grip kipp swings
5 Russian Baby makers
:30-45 sec Narrow HS hold
Practice Split jerk footwork with empty barbell as a class
Behind The Neck Jerk (1 rep every :45 sec for 9 min)
Complete at a slightly challenging weight, ~80% 1RM Split Jerk. Focus on back rack jerks is footwork and power.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
8 min AMRAP
6 DB shoulder press/arm
12 Burpees to plate
36 DU/ 60 Singles