CrossFit 7.31.17

CFPC – CrossFit


2 rounds:

15 Jumping jacks

10 Squat jumps

5 PVC pass through + toe touches

Snatch Warm-up (No Measure)

Perform the following, once with a barbell and once with some added weight:

5 Snatch Grip RDL

5 Snatch High pulls (elbows high and outside)

5 Muscle Snatches (No rebend in the knees!)

5 Overhead squats

5 Snatch grip push press

5 Snatch balance

5 Hang power snatch

5 Full snatch from hang below the knee


Snatch (7 x 3, 70-80% 1RM. Reset btwn reps. Rest 2 min.)


Metcon (Time)


Box jump (30/24″)

Hand release push-ups

Kettlebell swings (70/44#)

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