CrossFit 7.28.15

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

Down and Back

A) High knees

B) Butt kicks

A) Spiderman lunge

B) High kicks

A) Inch worm- 5 reps, 3 Push-ups

B) High skip


PVC Pass through x10

PVC Press and stretch back x5

PVC Push press x10


Stretch calves on wall or rig


Shoulder Press (5-5-4-4-3-3, 1 set/2 min)

Begin ~70% and increase in weight each set as you are able. Aim to finish the final set of 3 ~85-90% 1RM


Metcon (Time)


Push Press (135/95#)

Box jumps (24/20″)

*9 min time cap

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