CrossFit 7.27.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Squat/Core/Leg (No Measure)

2 rounds:

30 high-knees

15 air squats

20 jumping jacks

10 push-ups

200m row
Then 3 min squat hold


Tempo Back Squat (7 sets of 3, AHAP. 1 set every 2 min.)

Back squat with a 5 second descent and 3 second pause in the bottom.


A: Pull-ups (L3 record largest set)

Weighted Pull-ups (L4 and L5 record weight)

L1- (Cannot perform a strict pull-up): 5×5 self-assisted pull-ups, as little leg as possible, then 3×8-12 Barbell curls

L2- (Easy 1 Strict Pull-up): 3 min Kipp practice, then accumulate 40 banded face pulls

L3- (5/3 Unbroken strict pull-ups): 3 sets of max kipping pull-ups, 2 min rest, then practice butterfly kipping

L4- (10/7 Strict or 20 kipping pull-ups): 3 x 5 weighted strict pull-ups, 2 min rest btwn sets, then butterfly kipp practice

L5- (30/20 UB Butterfly pull-ups): 3 x 5 weighted strict pull-ups, 2 min rest btwn sets, then butterfly kipp practice

B: Weighted Dips (L4 record)

Weighted Ring dips (L5 record)

Ring dips with additional weight
L1- (Feet assisted box dips): 5 x 5 close grip push-ups slow and controlled, then 3×8-12 Lying barbell tricep extensions

L2- (8 dips with feet on bench and 45/25# on thighs): 5 x 5-8 close grip push-ups slow and controlled, then 4 sets of :10-:20 sec static dip hold

L3- (3-5 Strict bar dips): 4 x 3-5 Strict stationary bar dips, then 2 ME sets of decline push-ups. Rest :90 sec.

L4- (5 strict ring dips): 3×5 Weighted stationary dips, :90 sec between sets, then practice kipping ring dip rechnique

L5- (8-10 strict ring dips, 15-20 kipping): 2×8-12 weighted kipping ring dips, rest :90 sec, then 2 min AMRAP elevated diamond push-ups

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