4th of July is this Monday!
We will only be holding one class- 9:30am!
We will also be getting together at TCU to play Sand Volleyball from 12:30-2:30pm on the 4th, popsicles will also be provided. ANYONE is welcome! Bring family and friends to play and/or watch! Please RSVP with an email to Reid, or tell a coach you’re planning to attend.
CFPC – CrossFit
Down and Backs (No Measure)
200m Run or 250m Row
1) High knees
2) Butt kickers
3a) Lunge stretch- 3 sec hold
3b) 5 Inch worms- 3 pushups
4a) High kick march
4b) Spiderman- lunge and hold
5) Side shuffle (stay low)
6) Karaoke
Ring Dips (3 sets, max reps, rest 2 min btwn sets)
Reps must be strict.
1) With blue or red band (must achieve at least 6 reps per set)
2) Stationary dips, banded if necessary, aiming for 8-15 reps per set
3) Box dips- standing between two boxes with assistance from feet, 8-15 reps per set
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds:
50m Weighted Walking lunge, DB or KB (Rx 45/35#, Rx+ 55/45#)
350m Farmer’s Carry